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Author: Laryssa

Tedium in a New Medium

I have a theory about some of the funniest, most compelling, and most intelligent content on the Internet: it’s produced and consumed by educated and funny people who are bored out of their minds at desk jobs. Why don’t you think anyone updates on the weekends? Let’s call this theory “Tedium in a New Medium”.


Improve Your Ability to Innovate

In December’s Harvard Business Review, researchers identify five skills that separate true innovators from other smart people. What makes one person an innovator, able to trailblaze a path in the media jungle, and another person a wanderer, lost and seeking direction? Here, find descriptions of the skills and my practical advice.

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Curiosity Made the Cat

Marketing expert Seth Godin wrote: “I’ve noticed that people who read a lot of blogs and a lot of books also tend to be intellectually curious, thirsty for knowledge, quicker to adopt new ideas and more likely to do important work. I wonder which comes first, the curiosity or the success?”. Here is my answer.

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Letting Go to Grow Artistically

Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of reading Happyloo: Friends, Foes, and Fun by my friend Mark Mariano. A colorful and playful comic book filled with characters like Tickle, a friendly turtle, and Meatsauce, a gentle yet dim-witted bulldog who loves food, Happyloo first ran on Mark’s website from June 25, 2008 to January 19, 2009.


A First Person with Purpose

Can you rewrite your narrator? Not exactly sure how to present yourself? Doubting your identity, values, or beliefs? You will probably require a third person narrator. Desirous and outspoken? Diving headfirst into a goal or mission? You will have to flex your first person. Feeling like you only matter in relation to another person? In rare cases, you will want a second person narrator.

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When I Grow Up, I Want to Be a Blogger?

If you ask me now what I want to be when I “grow up”, I wouldn’t have a good answer. Right now, I just want a full-time job, one that pays me enough to allow me to move out of my parents’ house. In general, what I want to be is a writer, editor, and creative go-to girl, but I probably won’t be those things at a glossy magazine. So I do those things in my spare time.

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